We invite people to come dressed as they wish. Some folks wear a suit and tie, others dresses. Maybe you prefer a T-shirt and shorts. Either way, it doesn't matter to us. We're just glad you're here!

Our music is typically hymns, but we offer a wide variety of special music throughout the year that spans many genres. We are also blessed to have a world-class organist/pianist, Dr. Christopher Schindler.
​ If you have ever sung in a choir before or want to try it out, you are invited to bring your vocal gifts to our rehearsals on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30 pm and Sunday mornings before worship service.

We use the New Revised Standard Version (Updated Edition) during our morning readings. This version is one of the most respected and faithful translations available. During sermons, however, it is not uncommon to use other translations as a way of illuminating texts in different ways.